Araceli Alonso

My teaching and research-to-practice passions include local and global work on women’s health and human rights. At UW-Madison, I am the Director of the UNESCO Chair on Gender, Wellbeing and Culture of Peace. I am also a faculty member at the School of Medicine and Public Health and a Distinguished Senior Lecturer in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies. The application of knowledge on women’s health and rights inspired me to create the United Nations Award Winning Initiative Health by Motorbike (HbM) that provides a cultural and geographical sensitive model of integral health promotion and disease prevention for women and girls living in remote and isolated communities of southeast Kenya. At UW, I am leading a new and more comprehensive version of HbM called Health by All Means (HbaM) that works with women’s health and rights in isolated communities all over the world. I am also the Director of Gender, Health and Clinical Practice of the 4W-UW-Madison initiative STREETS (Social Transformation to end the Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children). I have worked on Human Trafficking issues—research, teaching, and advocacy—and to end the sexual exploitation of women and girls for the last twenty years in the United States, Spain, Morocco, Nigeria, Cuba, Uganda and Kenya.